Meet Our COVID-19 Response Fund Grantee Partners
The CDP COVID-19 Fund provides support to organizations worldwide that are addressing urgent needs and systemic issues that hinder the equitable recovery of marginalized and underserved communities.

Action Aid/Feminist Humanitarian Network (FHN) received $500,000 to provide support to both ActionAid and the Feminist Humanitarian Network (FHN) in their response to the COVID-19 pandemic in several countries with critical identified need. ActionAid will focus on public health education and distribution of educational materials at the community level, as well as distribution of hygiene kits, food and cash for critical livelihood support – aligning with government plans, coordinating with local authorities, working with local partners and women-led organizations wherever possible. The FHN, which is fiscally sponsored by ActionAid, is supporting its local women’s rights organizations’ members through localized, women-led COVID-19 responses, including raising community awareness of prevention measures; taking action to prevent Gender Based Violence (GBV) and impunity; offering psychosocial support via helplines and counseling; providing their offices as quarantine stations; and taking action to mitigate false information online. Specifically, ActionAid will work in Liberia, Bangladesh, Colombia, Zimbabwe and Somaliland.
ActionAid International and Feminist Humanitarian Network received an additional $165,000 implemented by the Feminist Humanitarian Network of women’s rights organizations operating across Nigeria, Ethiopia, Somalia, South Sudan and Venezuela for COVID-19 related programs. These organizations will work directly with vulnerable communities (women, children, disabled, etc.) on improving health, food security and economic outcomes of those affected, many of whom are experiencing protracted crises, including conflict and drought, the effects of which are compounded by COVID-19.
Action Against Hunger was awarded $500,000 to provide immediate relief to communities in East Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda) affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and to promote longer-term recovery and resilience programs in hard-hit regions. Specifically, Action Against Hunger will provide rapid response to underserved/remote COVID-19 affected areas by: identifying and equipping isolation and treatment facilities for management of the virus; training health workers on case management; procuring and distributing essential supplies in health facilities; and providing functional handwashing stations at entry/exit points of care in health facilities and monitoring compliance. Additionally, they will provide community-based health and nutrition programming as part of a longer-term response to the secondary impacts of COVID-19. And they will support increased resilience of the members of the community most vulnerable to the pandemic and other shocks through the provision of livelihoods interventions to restore and maintain their productive capacity.
Action Against Hunger received an additional $450,000 grant from CDP (Haiti Recovery Fund and COVID-19 Fund) aimed at mitigating the complex and interrelated needs resulting from the compounded impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Haiti earthquake of August 2021 on vulnerable communities. This program will benefit 106,871 vulnerable affected people through rehabilitation and improving access to basic health, water, sanitation and hygiene, and nutrition services.
Adara Group received $50,000 to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in central Uganda and reduce the potentially catastrophic impacts it will have on delivering essential health services. The funds will go toward protecting and educating frontline health workers at Kiwoko Hospital with the necessary equipment and protocols, and ensuring the maintenance and adaptation of essential facility-based and community outreach health services including maternal, newborn and child health services, HIV, diabetes, immunizations and family planning.
Agape Community Center received $105,000 to support the “Camp in the Box” experience, specifically for the students enrolled in Camp Jump Smart (K-2). Each box contains two weeks’ worth of materials and a variety of fun activities. Students will receive a new box every two weeks to ensure effective instruction and the consistent replenishment of supplies.
Airlink was awarded $150,000 to provide a coordinated aviation response for supplies to prevent, contain and address the effects of the pandemic on countries in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. They also received a small emergency assistance grant of $5,000 for Project Frontline Medical Responders USVI. The grant will help cover the transportation and hotel costs for physicians as they travel to the US Virgin Islands to work at field hospitals on COVID-19 relief efforts.
American Nurses Foundation (ANF) received $150,000 to support direct financial assistance and education and care to nurses working on the frontlines of COVID-19 response.
ANF received an additional $250,000 to support the Well Being Initiative providing mental health support and care to nurses across the United States. This is the second grant we’ve awarded to ANF because we know the need for the continued support of these critical frontline workers.
Americana Community Center was awarded $100,000 to help participants in this low-income, high-minority population attain stability through vital emergency services.
Americares was awarded $250,000 to support their COVID-19 pandemic response to strategically address local clinical needs. They are supporting frontline healthcare workers and clinics throughout the U.S. and beyond.
Americares received a second $250,000 grant in response to the compounded devastation of Hurricanes Eta and Iota on Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Colombia and Florida amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Americares is engaged in emergency response activities in these areas to ensure that survivors in emergency shelters and the local organizations providing relief have the medicines and supplies, particularly infection prevention and personal protective supplies, needed to restore and retain health and reduce the spread of COVID-19.
Americares was awarded a third $250,000 to equip frontline health providers in Colombia, serving Venezuelan migrants, refugees and underserved host community members, with the knowledge and skills needed to support the COVID-related mental health and psychosocial needs of patients.
Amref Health Africa was awarded $500,000 to accelerate COVID-19 vaccine deployment to priority populations to save lives and mitigate the effects of COVID-19 in Machakos and Kajiado Counties in Kenya. These counties are among the top 10 hardest hit with the pandemic in the country. Successful implementation of the project will result in increased vaccine confidence in the general population, a critical mass of health workers with capacity to deploy the vaccine and improved uptake among priority groups.
Asia Foundation received $200,000 to create new economic opportunities for vulnerable under/unemployed job-seeking youth and help small and medium businesses maintain business continuity, survive and adapt for a post–COVID-19 world in Myanmar. Additionally, grant funds will target gaps in access to financial literacy, smooth reintegration of returning migrant workers and greater income security among micro- and small-business women entrepreneurs whose livelihoods have been disproportionally affected by COVID-19 in Nepal.
Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership received $100,000 to mitigate the COVID-19 impact on the physical, mental and financial well-being of vulnerable residents by providing financial housing support, a safe and stable housing environment, and supportive resources.
Atlanta Mission received $95,000 to expand and sustain basic emergency needs including: meals, shelter, childcare, facility sanitation, client health education and screenings, and security and maintenance for Atlanta’s homeless population.
Atlanta Wealth Building Initiative was awarded $145,000 for the immediate support of businesses owned by people of color to address the economic disruption caused by COVID-19, as well as support the long-term recovery and sustainability of the small business ecosystem.
Backside Learning Center received $65,000 to provide immediate COVID-19 mitigation-related services to a community that lacks access – those working in the equine industry.
Baton Rouge Community College Foundation was awarded $50,000 to provide technology to support remote student services — laptops, software, remote meeting capacity (i.e. Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc.) — for faculty and staff, along with training for all constituents to help fulfill the mission of Baton Rouge Community College.
BRAC received $250,000 to provide support to the governments of Liberia, Sierra Leone, Tanzania and Uganda in the prevention, prompt detection and effective response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Specifically, BRAC will provide a community-based response among its beneficiaries and the larger community.
CARE was awarded $250,000 to support their ongoing work providing handwashing facilities and supplies, safe water resources, hygiene education and related COVID-19 preventive measures. Specifically, CARE will be constructing, equipping and maintaining handwashing stations in schools, markets and other public places; equipping the most vulnerable households with hygiene kits; ensuring proper handwashing and sanitation knowledge reaches children, teachers and community leaders; as well as expediting provision of clean water through emergency water trucking and distribution of safe water storage containers to some of the most vulnerable countries in the world (outside the U.S.).
CARE received an additional $498,733 rapid response grant to decrease illness progression, keep patients out of intensive care, ultimately save at least 10,000-12,000 lives in densely populated areas in the state of Bihar in India. The secondary objective is to protect healthcare workers from infection by isolating patients in separate facilities with strict infection prevention protocols. CARE aims to create a standardized, protocol-based COVID care center model that can be rapidly replicated and scaled when the need increases.
CARE received a third grant of $375,000 to advance an equitable and resilient recovery from the impacts of COVID-19 in Mali by addressing the multidimensional challenges that especially and disproportionately burden vulnerable populations, such as women, girls, internal displaced people and those living with disabilities. The project aims to reach 180,000 people and, using a variety of community-led approaches, will increase the ability of these vulnerable groups to pursue dignified livelihood activities through women’s savings groups, access enough nutritious food, improve COVID infection and prevention practices, and access adequate protection services.
Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) received $500,000 to assist those most acutely affected by COVID-19 throughout local communities in the U.S. Focus is on serving the most vulnerable, especially the elderly, unemployed and children and youth. CCUSA will provide holistic case management to ensure clients are connected with the resources and support they require immediately and for the long-term. They will provide immediate relief through distribution of emergency food, shelter, health care, financial assistance and logistical support, then continue support using an individual case management framework – an intensive, client-centric process laying the groundwork for successful long-term recovery. This will be accomplished by providing 30 sub-grants to local Catholic Charities agencies, ten in each of these categories: urban, mid-level (pop. 100,000 – 250,000) and rural. Specific services include food distribution support, telehealth and case management support, procuring and purchasing equipment needed to support these efforts and providing affordable housing and basic needs support.
Catholic Charities of Southwestern Ohio was awarded $100,000 to sustain a mental health program that strives to reduce symptom acuity and increase resiliency and self-sufficiency. The grant also supports the Food for All program that eliminates hunger by improving access to fresh and healthy food choices.
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) received $438,857 to work with local partner, Caritas Congo, on a five-month emergency project to mitigate health and economic impacts of COVID-19 in high-risk areas of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
CRS was awarded an additional $200,000 to help 500 vulnerable households in the municipality of Prinzapolka in the Autonomous Region of the North Caribbean Coast in Nicaragua cope with and overcome the food security crisis exacerbated by hurricanes Eta/Iota while preventing the spread of COVID-19.
CRS also received $500,000 to the demand for COVID-19 vaccines by combatting vaccine hesitancy and misinformation, and to increase access to vaccines through existing health system efforts in Liberia and Nigeria to help bring an end to the pandemic and related negative social and economic impacts.
Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley was awarded $100,000 to address the ongoing crisis of poverty in the Miami Valley region by supporting the Choice Food Pantry and Family Stabilization & Support (FSS), a case management and financial assistance program. Funding will increase program capacity and client emergency financial assistance to serve a greater number of families impacted financially by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Center for Rural Strategies (The Daily Yonder) received $80,000 to support the Daily Yonder reporting on the impact of COVID-19 on rural communities nationally and in targeted states. The goal is to help fill information gaps so that citizens and policymakers are aware of special conditions affecting rural communities.
CERF+ Artists’ Safety Net was awarded $200,000 to actively respond to the relief and recovery needs of artists through grants, information and education; expand availability and access to emergency relief programs for artists through advocacy and policy changes; to provide and promote readiness resources for artists to mitigate the impact of future disasters on creative careers; and to strengthen the network of organizations that have studio-based artists at the center of their work.
Crescent Care was awarded $125,000 to help vulnerable individuals access health care, COVID-19 testing and screening, and other services; enroll in Medicaid coverage; and understand how to use telehealth services. The project will particularly help the Black community, which has experienced a significantly disproportionate COVID-19 death rate.
Child Care Aware of America (CCAoA) received $250,000 to rapidly support childcare providers in those areas of the U.S. in the most immediate need and to provide direct aid to those geographic areas entering phased recovery. Specifically, CCAoA will provide education, equipment and training, coupled with mapping and other preparations to support future hot spots across the country by offering subgrants for the purchase of supplies or enhanced services supports for childcare providers.
CCAoA received an additional $300,000 to support the long-term COVID-19 recovery of child care providers and the families they serve by addressing providers’ most pressing economic, mental health and disaster response challenges.
Care and Health Program (CHP) was awarded $75,000 to Cameroonian national NGO CHP that will ensure that 150 community health workers from community-based organizations working with key marginalized populations are trained on awareness, surveillance and detection of suspected cases of COVID-19 in the community and in the appropriate protocols regarding community case management and referral to treatment sites.
Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada was awarded $75,000 for their Child & Family Crisis Support Program to provide emergency relief support to the vulnerable children and families they serve.
Color of Change (COC) was awarded $300,000 to support their grassroots advocacy work to ensure the needs of communities of color are met, highlighted and addressed throughout the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. Specifically, COC will provide support for issues advocacy – issues of inequity that existed before but that are now highlighted and laid bare by the pandemic. With these funds, Color of Change will work in communities with local grassroots organizations to elevate and advocate for decarceration (the process of removing people from institutions such as prisons or mental hospitals); the need for communities of color to engage in the 2020 Census; and to ensure voting is accessible and inclusive in light of difficulties presented by the need for social distancing and keeping communities safe from the virus.
Community Resource Center Nashville received $70,000 to provide relief kits and bulk supplies to families and agencies serving the middle Tennessee region.
Communities Unlimited (CU) was awarded $100,000 to expand and deepen the organization’s capacity to respond to small, rural-based businesses affected by the current COVID-19 pandemic. CU will expand its entrepreneurship and lending programs to include a wealth-building component designed to help small, minority-owned businesses prepare for and survive this pandemic and future disruptions.
Concern Worldwide received $300,000 to augment ongoing efforts to improve prevention and management of the COVID-19 virus, especially among vulnerable populations in Kenya and the greater Horn of Africa region, where the need is greatest. Concern will build on existing responses, with focus on health –risk communication on preventative and health-seeking measures, promotion of improved hygiene and sanitation practices, decontamination of health facilities, provision of handwashing stations, and increasing community access to water. They will do this by improving frontline health workers’ capacity to identify, detect, refer and manage cases of the virus and by improving community-based risk communication and health messaging.
Concern Worldwide was awarded an additional $100,000 to support Afghan communities in disaster-prone rural areas of Takhar province in the Northeast region of Afghanistan in building resiliency to withstand the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and recover from the economic impacts of COVID-19 by increasing access to water back to pre-pandemic levels.
Conexión Américas was awarded $70,000 to meet the needs of Tennessee’s Latinx, immigrant and refugee communities in a linguistically and culturally responsive way. Response focuses on food security, emergency economic assistance, health access, small business support and digital inclusion.
Community Organized Relief Effort (CORE) received $1 million to increase direct access to COVID-19 vaccinations for Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) and marginalized communities that lack basic health services, rank highest on the CDC’s social vulnerability index and/or are hotspots experiencing high positivity rates. CORE will build on a year of managing the nation’s largest nonprofit organization-administered COVID-19 testing program and provide more technical assistance to Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) for faster, safer and more equitable vaccine distribution in BIPOC communities.
Corus International (Lutheran World Relief/IMA World Health) received $250,000 to support their partnership with local organizations in Peru that are working to improve access to psychosocial and livelihoods recovery services and crucial COVID-19 information for Venezuelan refugees and migrants living there.
Council of Large Public Housing Authorities (CLPHA) was awarded $225,000 to support Public Housing Authorities’ (PHAs) immediate and locally-defined needs, providing vital financial resources and assistance to a cohort of 10 PHAs and prioritizing technical assistance for its 70 PHA members across the country.
CrowdSource Rescue was awarded $40,000 to continue organizing volunteers for no-contact food deliveries to seniors and high-risk residents in 11 southeast Texas counties.
Culture Aid NOLA received $90,000 to provide no-barrier, free food distribution and information dissemination to New Orleans populations most affected by the societal impact of COVID-19 and most at risk of economic collapse from widespread job loss and lack of public or private safety nets.
Direct Relief was awarded $150,000 to support the Covid-19 Action Fund for Africa – a collaboration of 30 NGOs including Direct Relief – in their efforts to protect community health workers on the frontlines of response in difficult-to-reach communities.
Direct Relief received a second grant of $500,000 to build out its Cold Chain Initiative with a focus on expanding the reliable energy supply and Low Global Warming Potential (L-GWP) cold-chain capacity of health facility partners throughout the Caribbean. Direct Relief will also create a regional distribution hub to rapidly mobilize medical materials and resources to enable equitable access to vaccines and medications for vulnerable people living in the region.
Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontiers (MSF) was awarded $500,000 to reduce morbidity and mortality related to COVID-19 by helping the Brazilian Ministry of Health meet the health needs of vulnerable populations, especially those without other access to medical care. At the same time, MSF will work with the Ministry of Health to build its capacity (infrastructure and human resources) to respond to Brazil’s enormous COVID-19 epidemic.
DonorsChoose received $375,000 to equip students and teachers with the resources to learn and teach, even as COVID-19 continues to shutter some school buildings and dramatically alter the layout and day-to-day activities of community members. DonorsChoose will leverage this grant to match online donations to projects at schools in low-income communities most affected by the pandemic in Texas, Louisiana, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Ohio and Kentucky.
DonorsChoose was awarded a second grant of $250,000 to match teacher projects to support students most affected by the pandemic, due to learning loss and other factors. With DonorsChoose, we help fund projects requested explicitly by teachers to support them and their students. DonorsChoose identifies projects in low-income, predominantly communities of color-serving schools with a preference for projects focused on elementary school-aged students that our matching funds can help.
DonorsChoose received a third grant of $275,000 to equip teachers and students at Equity Focus Schools with classroom resources needed to combat learning loss, support student mental health and face other challenges created by the pandemic.
DonorsChoose received a final $150,000 grant to run a 2X Match Offer on their giving site, doubling donations to teachers’ classrooms requesting resources for mental health learning loss resulting from COVID-19. Qualifying projects are from Equity Focus Schools, where most students come from low-income, Black, Native American or Latino households.
El Puente Educational Center was awarded $70,000 to assist Latinx families in Dayton and surrounding areas by decreasing immediate financial hardship due to the pandemic; increasing access to and mastering of technology; and augmenting mental and emotional health services.
Emergent Fund was awarded $75,000 to its rapid response funding infrastructure to support the work of current and prospective grantees as they meet the needs of their communities related to COVID-19. Focus will be on organizations, led by people of color, that are mobilizing to respond to the impact of COVID-19 in vulnerable communities by utilizing their power-building strategies, including digital organizing, membership development and outreach, narrative development and direct action.
Enterprise Community Partners received $250,000 to provide quick inflow of cash grants to four-five partners in New Orleans, Miami and Georgia to: bridge the public funding available to individuals and housing providers make up for shortfalls that emergency government allocations cannot fill; and, in some cases, help pay for new or increased staffing of housing providers to assist residents with accessing public and private funding and other available support. Additionally, Enterprise will provide tools and training to support the long-term viability and sustainability of 36 housing providers who serve almost 40,000 low-income residents as they and their communities recover from the effects of the pandemic.
Enterprise Community Partners received an additional $250,000 to support Enterprise in preventing evictions in Louisiana, Georgia and Mississippi.
Equal Justice Works received $250,000 to support the Disaster Resilience Program, which mobilizes public interest lawyers (“Fellows”) to deliver critical legal services to populations severely impacted by natural disasters, particularly the COVID-19 pandemic. Funds will support Fellows providing direct disaster legal aid in Texas and Florida and pandemic preparedness education nationwide. This grant will also help mobilize more Fellows to other location severely impacted by COVID-19.
The Equity Alliance was awarded $40,000 to: 1) educate residents about homeowner, renter and COVID-19 rights; 2) hold bad actors and officials accountable; 3) connect residents to helpful and legitimate sources of information and financial help to deal with tornado recovery and coronavirus; and 4) build the power to ensure emergency relief funds are distributed equitably so the recovery increases the generational wealth and well-being of north Nashville’s Black community.
Farm Share was awarded $75,000 to deliver fresh food to families in need throughout Florida. Farm Share connects family farmers with those who need but can’t afford fresh food.
Feeding America received $250,000 to support building the capacity of local food banks to respond to the mounting needs of those who are food insecure. As the economic impacts of this pandemic become increasingly clear, the need to provide shelf-stable, nutritious food is growing.
Feeding Northeast Florida was awarded $75,000 to increase capacity to distribute nutritious foods to meet rising needs engendered by the pandemic in northeast Florida.
The Foodbank, Inc. (Dayton) received $75,000 to increase the capacity of the drive-thru food pantry and also provide a variety of foods to meet the growing needs of Dayton families.
Food Chain Workers Alliance (FCWA) was awarded $150,000 to support the COVID-19 response projects and direct relief funds of members representing food chain workers. Specifically, FCWA will provide direct relief for food workers affected by COVID-19; help provide premium pay for hazardous working conditions; support temporary emergency OSHA protections; provide and advocate for benefits for all workers regardless of immigration status; and protect workers against wage theft, retaliation for organizing, etc.
For the Children received $250,000 to use their vetted network of volunteers to further cultivate sustainable community-driven recovery by partnering with CarePortal, an online platform that matches the needs of the child welfare community with fulfillment partners (For the Children chapter network), and growing a mentoring program to help meet the social and mental health needs of children experiencing family-induced childhood trauma.
George’s Scholar Institute was awarded $50,000 to provide summer and fall programming to minority students, including the Reading Rocket program for grades 1 through 8, and Project Ready for college and career prep.
Georgia Budget & Policy Institute received $125,000 to inform Georgia’s short-, medium- and long-term policy response to the pandemic. By addressing core issues related to health, education, workforce and the social safety net, this project advances the state’s equitable and resilient recovery.
Give2Asia received $250,000 to work with the Hubei Red Cross Foundation in support of medical supply purchasing, frontline workers, construction of temporary hospitals and the initiation of medium- and long-term recovery efforts, such as mental health treatment for frontline workers, epidemic prevention and education efforts.
GiveDirectly was awarded $250,000 to provide $1,000 digital cash transfers to low-income families enrolled in the federal government’s food assistance program (SNAP) across the country. This funding will provide swift, effective relief and minimize person-to-person interaction with digital cash for a segment of the population that has been hit hard by the effects of the pandemic. At least 225 low-income families will be helped with this grant.
Global Fund for Children was awarded $250,000 to support up to 20 local partner organizations focused on working with children and their families in identified areas with the most acute needs in Central and South Asia, the Caribbean & Africa.
GOAL received $250,000 to enable the most vulnerable households in Iraq, especially women and children, affected by secondary effects of COVID-19 to survive the crisis. The resilience of targeted families will increase as they are able to meet their basic emergency needs and reduce negative coping mechanisms.
Good360 was awarded $100,000 to support the distribution, storage, sourcing, etc. of needed products for communities and nonprofits. This group manages the supply chain of needed products during a disaster for community organizations and to meet the basic needs of individuals.
Good360 received an additional $250,000 to support nonprofits focused on response and long-term recovery due to COVID-19’s detrimental effects on communities, including those impacted by natural disasters and all communities facing more challenging conditions due to the effects of COVID-19. This involves procuring donations from manufacturers and retailers, matching relevant gifts with nonprofits, and warehousing and shipping those goods in a timely manner.
Grace at the Greenlight was awarded $75,000 to provide for the basic needs of the unsheltered homeless in New Orleans during the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes food (hot meals) and water, as well as hygiene supplies and education on social distancing and virus prevention.
Hands On Nashville received $50,000 to build capacity for Nashville-area organizations serving those directly and economically impacted by COVID-19 through volunteer recruitment and safe service support.
Harmony Community Development Corporation received $75,000 to provide emergency and relief assistance including nutritional food, teletherapy counseling, and rental and utility assistance to families impacted by COVID-19. Harmony will also offer training and barrier removal resources to assist families with achieving self-sufficiency and livable wages.Harmony targets residents of the South Oak Cliff area of Dallas, with additional concentration throughout the southern sector of Dallas, including Cedar Hill, DeSoto, Duncanville and Lancaster.
Healthcare Ready was awarded $127,100 to support expansion of their programs for COVID-19 Pandemic response. They work with their partners on the frontlines, readying the healthcare supply chain to respond to and recover from disruptions in the communities where they serve.
Healthcare Ready received an additional $201,039 grant for identifying and implementing lessons learned regarding the complex and urgent COVID-19 vaccination efforts. This work educates government and community decision-makers and influencers on vaccines – from how they are developed to strategies to protect individuals and communities – and provides resources and technical assistance to implement equitable distribution.
Healthcare Ready received a final $160,000 grant to assess the scope and impact of healthcare workforce losses in historically underserved communities disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The grant will also fund the development of culturally relevant training to support and expand the capacity of healthcare staff serving socially vulnerable communities through ongoing COVID-19 response and recovery.
HIAS received $200,000 to mitigate COVID-19 related risks to women, girls, LGBTQ and other marginalized groups to ensure survivors can access Gender-Based Violence (GBV) response services, and to support the preparedness activities of service providers so their resilience can support survivors in future waves of the pandemic. Geographic focus area is Costa Rica and Peru. HIAS will increase response and referral services for survivors of GBV through mobile protection teams and border monitoring under a general women’s health umbrella to eliminate stigma. They will also ensure that survivors of — or women and girls at risk of — GBV can meet their emergency basic needs in light of the pandemic through an emergency GBV survivor fund (housing, medical services, other basic necessities).
Hispanic Federation received $250,000 to support community health centers across the country in their dissemination of COVID-19 vaccine education and immunizations. The grant will also fund advocacy for community health centers and community-based organizations to be vaccine distribution sites to better reach residents in the areas they serve.
H.O.P.E. Ministry of Pointe Coupee was awarded $20,000 to support and expand the capacity of food pantry and client programs that provide critical services to the vulnerable and at-risk populations in Pointe Coupee Parish.
HOPE South Florida received $75,000 to provide emergency assistance, including rental and utility assistance and employment services, to Broward County, Florida residents who have suffered income loss due to COVID-19. The grant also provides funding for expanded meals and mobile showers for those forced to live on the street along with those who are food insecure and marginally housed.
The Hope Station was awarded $20,000 to provide underserved, single mothers with housing and food assistance.
Houston Immigration Legal Services Collaborative received $75,000 to help member and partner agencies increase immigrant client capacity to meet basic needs through this pandemic.
Humanity & Inclusion – DRC received $250,000 to support the community-based prevention of Covid-19 and good hygiene practices and to promote access to health care for the most vulnerable people through the strengthening of women’s clubs in the communes of Bumbu and Selembao in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo.
Humanity & Inclusion – Somalia received $250,000 for work in Somalia/Somaliland to promote health equity, reinforce COVID recovery and ensure preparedness for future waves and health emergencies – by ensuring inclusive COVID-19 awareness-raising among persons with disabilities and other at-risk groups, strengthening inclusive health systems — leaving no one behind and promoting inclusive prevention and recovery for all.
Imagine Water Works was awarded $125,000 to support Imagine Water Works’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Louisiana, in addition to preparedness for the concurrent disasters of COVID-19 and hurricane season. Through its Mutual Aid Response Network, Imagine Water Works will focus on resourcing, connecting and supporting vulnerable populations in New Orleans and Houma.
Information Technology Disaster Resource Center (ITDRC) received $175,000 to support projectConnect to provide WiFi connectivity for up to 5,000 students and families in rural, tribal & underserved urban communities to facilitate their ability to participate in distance learning, telehealth and more.
International Medical Corps (IMC) was awarded $250,000 to deploy emergency medical teams and provide a surge of medical assistance at overwhelmed health facilities and hospitals in the U.S., specifically providing clinical support, epidemiologists and public health experts where they are needed most.
IMC received a second $250,000 grant to support needs in Gaza, which was already at-risk before the impacts of COVID-19 and now is facing further stretched systems, including concerns around malnutrition and growing psycho-social distress. Additionally, International Medical Corps will reserve 20% of funds for flexible funding to address surging COVID-19 needs due to compounding acute disasters or support vaccine needs for a country whose infrastructure for distribution is not well-developed.
IMC was awarded a third $250,000 grant to improve COVID-19 vaccine access in remote indigenous communities in the Cedeño municipality of Bolívar State in Venezuela, by providing logistics support to transport and store vaccines; donating equipment to hospitals to store vaccines; strengthening the capacity of local vaccinators; and raising awareness about COVID-19 vaccines through community activities.
International Rescue Committee (IRC) was awarded $250,000 to provide protection supplies and services for their programs in some of the most vulnerable regions of the world, allowing IRC to rapidly detect, respond to and prevent further spread of COVID-19. Specifically, these funds will provide personal protective equipment (PPE), medical supplies (ventilators and other ICU equipment), training for frontline health care workers and infection prevention and control activities in the U.S., Italy, Greece, Jordan and Syria.
IRC received an additional $500,000 from CDP’s COVID-19 Response Fund ($350,000) and Global Recovery Fund ($150,000) to address the secondary economic impacts of COVID-19 and drought on vulnerable households and communities and build community and local institutions’ resilience against future disaster risk and food insecurity. IRC will achieve this by improving the capacities of COVID, drought and conflict-affected smallholder farmer households (especially women and youth), communities and their institutions to respond to and proactively mitigate disaster risks and adapt to long-term trends of food insecurity (COVID-19, inflation and climate trends).
Internews received $75,000 to improve recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and strengthen community resilience in southern Zimbabwe. The grant will support efforts to promote and advocate for freedom of expression and access to information, increase the quality, quantity and reach of independent, evidence-based COVID-19 related information, especially on the needs of women and youth, and build the capacity of young people to raise their voices on issues of health, governance, human rights, migration and climate change.
Internews was awarded an additional $450,000 for strengthening Indigenous, Afro-descendant and last-mile health networks, and building trust around COVID-19 vaccines to contribute to ensuring better information, equitable access and greater uptake through establishing healthier information ecosystems in Bolivia, Colombia and Peru.
IsraAID was awarded $253,179 to bolster resilience among disaster-affected communities by offering targeted training and support to frontline workers (including teachers, religious leaders, community workers, health care workers and social workers) so they have more tools to address the acute challenges facing their community stemming from COVID-19. Efforts will focus on mental health and psychosocial stressors, self-care and burnout prevention and information on COVID-19 vaccines.
Jacksonville Area Legal Aid received $74,000 to expand the availability and scope of free civil legal services to meet the sudden, sharp increase in the number of income-challenged and otherwise vulnerable First Coast, Florida households at risk of basic needs insecurity due to the COVID-19 crisis.
Jubilee Park & Community Center was awarded $60,000 to provide access to neighborhood safety, food security, emergency financial assistance, transportation to essential needs, and educational enrichment for its neighbors in a 62-block area of southeast Dallas.
Kentucky Refugee Ministries received $60,000 to mitigate the COVID-19 impact on Kentucky’s refugee and immigrant community by providing: 1) medical access, 2) remote education and 3) basic needs support.
Kids Help Phone Canada was awarded $75,000 to expand its crisis text line and expand and mobilize its trained volunteer base to provide critical psychosocial support for Canadian children, with a particular focus on Indigenous youth in rural and remote areas.
King Baudouin Foundation United States (KBFUS) and VIAMO received $250,000 to increase public access to information and to improve health worker knowledge, leading to improved population health outcomes in Mozambique. Mozambique’s government community health workers will also be trained to provide resources directly to the general population.
Lee Initiative was awarded $75,000 to help independent restaurants that have been feeding their communities reopen by connecting them with sustainable products and small, local farmers. This organization is based in Kentucky but works with partners on projects in several states.
Living Water International received $150,000 to reduce the spread and impact of COVID-19 within vulnerable communities in nine sub-Saharan Africa countries. The fund will go toward educating local communities on COVID-19 prevention measures through broad-scale efforts such as training events, local advertising and radio messaging, training church and community leaders on COVID-19 response, including hygiene and sanitation best practice, and supporting local health care facilities through increased water access, hygiene and sanitation supplies and personal protective equipment.
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) was awarded $250,000 to provide direct cash assistance to clients, including refugees and other migrants, with priority given to clients disproportionally affected by financial hardships (women, elders, children and clients with disabilities). Target amounts will range from $25 – $2,000 and will be based on demonstrated need. Clients assisted by these grants will be identified by an affiliate network of over 30 organizations working to resettle immigrants in 33 states.
Lutheran World Relief (LWR) received $250,000 to support the immediate survival and early recovery of vulnerable families displaced by the Hurricanes Eta and Iota while reducing the further spread of COVID-19 in Honduras. By working closely with local partners on the ground, LWR will address the displaced population’s basic needs while also helping them maintain safe surroundings with appropriate WASH/Hygiene protocols. Additionally, psycho-social needs will be addressed as the country manages recovery from multiple, layered disasters while already suffering from broad economic and social vulnerabilities.
LWR was awarded $250,000 for reducing vaccine hesitancy through a twofold communications campaign that will provide critical, lifesaving COVID-19 and vaccine information to 75,000 individuals in Peru and elsewhere in Latin America, including refugees, rural and indigenous communities
Marie Stopes International (MSI) received $200,000 to ensure continued access to reproductive and other health services for women and girls and their families during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Meals on Wheels America was awarded $125,000 to support the necessary expansion of their programs supporting senior feeding at the local level. This grant will also support building their capacity to provide much-needed telecommunications.
Meals on Wheels of Tampa received $50,000 to feed and care for Tampa’s vulnerable at-home and at-risk neighbors who are sheltering in their homes due to their physical and mental limitations.
MedAir was awarded $200,000 to support national efforts to reduce COVID-19 transmission in Lebanon and Sudan. In Lebanon, MedAir aims to provide quality health care and site management for a Level 3 isolation center for Syrian refugees and vulnerable Lebanese. In Sudan, the project will provide lifesaving integrated WASH/NFI kits and essential behavior change communication around COVID-19 awareness and hygiene practices to high-risk individuals.
Medical Teams International was awarded $200,000 to strengthen their capacity to prevent and respond to a COVID-19 outbreak among refugee populations in Uganda, Bangladesh and Tanzania. Medical Teams International will provide direct health services and community health services and strengthen local health systems.
Mercy Corps was awarded $250,000 to support affected small businesses through emergency grants and mentoring in order to help owners sustain their business and support the economy of vulnerable communities. Initial focus will be on the West Coast of the U.S. but this program will also be scalable to address global needs. Specifically, the funds will provide grants to 24 small businesses, paired with online training and COVID-19 response mentoring. Funding will also support access to tailored content and resources through their MicroMentor program to reach 750 local entrepreneurs.
Mercy Corps received an additional $750,000 from CDP’s COVID-19 Response Fund ($375,000) and Global Recovery Fund ($375,000) to respond to the devastating socio-economic impacts from COVID-19 and compounding effects of the severe drought in the Horn of Africa. The program will kickstart recovery of livestock-based livelihoods by supporting vulnerable pastoralist households (emphasizing females and youth) and critical livestock market input and service providers. It will reinforce linkages between them by adopting a market-based, systems approach. Beyond the program, Mercy Corps will conduct research to develop the body of evidence on outcomes of activities focused on enhancing resilience in the Horn of Africa.
MetroMorphosis received $100,000 to help Baton Rouge area communities most affected by COVID- 19 implement a response that unites residents and indigenous institutions in leading equitable recovery efforts.
Migrant Clinicians Network (MCN) received $200,000 to strengthen the prevention and mitigation of COVID-19 in the United States and its territories through capacity building and education of community health workers, clinicians, community advocates and teachers. With a focus on equity for rural, migrant and other historically marginalized communities, MCN enables clinicians to increase access to and provide quality, culturally relevant health care as well as reduce inequities through technical assistance, learning collaboratives, on-the-ground training, resource development and advocacy.
MSI Reproductive Choices was awarded $250,000 to reduce the adverse health impacts of COVID-19 in Afghanistan. MSI Afghanistan will raise awareness about the continued importance of COVID-19 and distribute hygiene kits to limit further spread of the virus. It will also build the capacity of 15 public sites to deliver quality reproductive health services, a critical gap that has been exacerbated by COVID-19, averting critical supplies and resources to fight the pandemic.
Nashville Food Project was awarded $45,000 to meet the increased need for healthy, nutritious food for those residents hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. Individually packaged meals are prepared by commercial kitchens and include produce purchased from an urban agriculture program.
National Afterschool Association with Discovery Education received $100,000 will fund the Distance Learning Response Initiative, a collaboration between Discovery Education and the National Afterschool Association, to support high-quality digital content and impactful on-demand professional development for under-resourced schools throughout the United States. The focus is on providing distance learning for students and educators in FL and GA, two hotspot states.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) was awarded $250,000 to provide emergency funding to support expansion of tools to support growing mental health needs due to the COVID-19 pandemic. NAMI’s plan includes: 1.) ensuring access to timely, practical mental health information, 2.) bolstering the capacity of NAMI’s HelpLine and 3.) fortifying their network of NAMI affiliates and NAMI State Organizations.
NAMI was awarded an additional $200,000 to support the expansion of the NAMI helpline and provide continued support for NAMI’s frontline wellness programs. The need for their services exploded during the pandemic. With this grant, we continue to support expanding their helpline to include increased hours and new functionality, like texting, to meet the people where they are. More operators answering phones and text messages and offering additional resources are critical as the need for mental health support continues to be high. Additionally, funds will provide grants to at least 15 local NAMI affiliates to address the needs of frontline workers, a demographic group we know is struggling as the pandemic drags on. Finally, NAMI will expand the educational resources it offers, providing health care professionals and first responders with support for their learning around addressing their mental health and the communities they serve.
National Association of Free & Charitable Clinics received $200,000 supporting the expansion of telehealth; providing testing and equipment; expanding access to medication; and providing operational and technical assistance to their member clinics in the most vulnerable locations.
National Association of Free and Charitable Clinics received a second grant of $300,000 to ensure that COVID-19 vaccines and testing are delivered equitably through support of their member clinics throughout the United States.
National Domestic Violence Hotline (NDVH) was awarded $125,000 to support building trained hotline staff capacity to respond to increased contact volume as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic effects on victims of domestic violence.
NDVH received a second grant of $150,000 to support the hotline as they expand hours, train new advocates and develop data collection and analysis of the impact of the pandemic on domestic violence victims and survivors. By supporting expanding the capacity of the trained advocates to answer calls, chats and texts, the NDVH will be better able to serve those most in need. They will also use the funding to train even more advocates and expand and continue the data collection to determine the actual effects of the pandemic on those experiencing domestic violence.
National Domestic Workers Alliance (NDWA) received $125,000 to provide direct cash assistance to those in critical need, to support domestic workers with information, other resources and personal protective equipment so they can continue to work safely. Additionally, funds will allow NDWA to advocate on workers’ behalf for local, state and federal policy changes to improve their work conditions and allow them access to available support resources.
NDWA received an additional $100,000 grant to expand its capacity to continue advocating for better standards, safe working conditions, and more for its members and other domestic workers across the U.S. NDWA will expand its capacity for advocacy for safe workplaces and equitable access to resources and vaccines. And they will work to ensure workers can return to work safely, with access to appropriate information and vaccines. Ultimately, the hope is to engage with local, state and federal governments to raise workplace standards and reduce the vulnerability of these workers.
National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID) was awarded $100,000 to support the expansion of activities to educate health care professionals and the public about preventing the spread of COVID-19.
National Indian Health Board (NIHB) received $250,000 to provide materials to prevent and contain the COVID-19 virus among Native American and Alaska Native tribes. These funds will be used to create and disseminate vital community health information; create and disseminate policy and response information; provide technical assistance to tribes as they seek to access resources or mount their own outbreak response; create, implement and analyze national surveys on state of the response that tribes are maintaining against COVID-19; and document and share tools that tribes are creating to manage the pandemic locally.
Near East Foundation received $150,000 to provide a suite of rapid interventions to help vulnerable entrepreneurs, small-scale farmers and food processors adapt their operations and protect their working capital, assets and jobs. The ultimate goal is to support the survival and resilience of businesses, small-scale agriculture and market systems that provide critical income, employment and food security. Locations for the work include Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan and Sudan.
New American Pathways received $120,000 to respond to urgent needs related to COVID-19 in the refugee and immigrant community in Atlanta.
New Orleans Family Justice Center was awarded $150,000 to promote long-term recovery, stabilization and self-sufficiency for vulnerable immigrant families impacted by the COVID-19 crisis.
Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) received $250,000 to work to reduce the spread and impact of COVID-19 upon displaced families and children in Burkina Faso. NRC will rehabilitate or repair two existing water provision systems and will construct a borehole, 20 shared family latrines and 20 shower blocks in temporary sites where internally displaced people (IDPs) have settled. They will also provide construction training for the building of household latrines, provide hygiene promotion, including community awareness, training and provision of COVID-19 hygiene kits, as well as provide radio and distance-based learning support.
Operation HOPE was awarded $233,537 to mitigate the economic effects of COVID-19 by providing financial coaching to individuals and small businesses to create economic resilience within underserved communities of color. Operation HOPE will use grant funds to build the capacity of their National Call Center. In addition, the funding will be used to ensure entrepreneurs of color are not left out of any future stimulus or other federal, state or local funding mechanisms. They will provide application assistance for SBA and other government funding structures, along with disaster credit/money coaching to these entrepreneurs and small business owners. They will also help negotiate with creditors and credit agencies for relief. The bulk of these projects will focus on New York and Chicago, with nationwide access to the call center.
The OUT Foundation received $250,000 to help address systemic and cultural barriers faced by the LGBTQ+ community that have been made worse during the COVID-19 pandemic. Their expanded program addresses the negative impact of the pandemic on the LGBTQ+ community, specifically by removing barriers to participation in health, fitness and well-being activities.
Oxfam was awarded $250,000 to provide technical assistance and funding to their partners in the Middle East, Africa, Asia and in the U.S., supporting them to adopt new technology and communications practices so they can safely access their constituencies. The focus is on 16 countries in these areas with poor access to healthcare that will be further exacerbated by COVID-19. Oxfam is also working in Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina and Puerto Rico. They will expand and develop partnerships to ensure a community-centered emergency response and a focus on local humanitarian leadership.
Oxfam received an additional $250,000 to mitigate the risks of spread of COVID-19. The program will reach 5,000 people, primarily refugees, migrants and returnees from Venezuela and host communities in the rural Wayuu indigenous communities in the Department of La Guajira, Colombia. In collaboration with Fuerza de Mujeres Wayuu, the project is intended to improve basic services, increase access to water, promote good hygiene practices, ensure better protection and sexual and reproductive health of girls, and increase resiliency.
Oxfam – Colombia received $200,000 directed toward two geographic regions in Colombia: Arauca in the northeast, near the Venezuelan border and Bogota. This area has the most number of migrants who have fled the violence and armed conflict in Venezuela. It also accounts for 32% of COVID-19 identified cases in Colombia. Funding will facilitate access to goods and services to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, prevent and bring attention to violence against women, especially refugees, and strengthen community risk management activities associated with the pandemic.
Partners in Health received $300,000 to build, strengthen and sustain a resilient public health workforce in locations disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. This program will invest in the workforce critically needed to improve health outcomes and restore trust in public health systems, from community-health workers to public health department staff, and will in turn amplify lessons learned to advocate for transformative national workforce policy change.
Partners in Health also received $250,000 to pilot, in collaboration with partner organization Zanmi Lasante, a new Test and Treat approach in Haiti (targeting a catchment population of 600,000) that will establish a flexible and replicable primary care model for growth in rapid testing and corresponding outpatient treatment for COVID-19 that can reduce transmission, hospitalization and death in Haiti.
Partnership with Native Americans was awarded $150,000 to support mostly rural and geographically isolated tribal communities by providing food, water, essential supplies and PPE for roughly 500 households.
Plan International (Plan) received $250,000 to support their offices in Egypt, Laos and the Philippines in implementing acute emergency response activities for the COVID-19 crisis. Plan will prioritize requests made from the Ministries of Health or other relevant host government health authorities to assist in preventing infections in health facilities and reducing the risk of widespread community-level transmission. They will provide critical assistance to stressed public health systems seeking to limit and respond to the spread of COVID-19.
Plan received a second $150,000 grant to ensure children’s right to education amid the COVID-19 pandemic by improving teachers’ e-learning support skills and improving students’ and their families’ knowledge of online child protection issues so that virtual learning is safe and effective, especially for girls. This will target beneficiaries across Peru.
Plan Cameroon was awarded $250,000 for ensuring that 60,000 hard-to-reach populations (including refugees, internally displaced people (IDPs), indigenous, children and youth, especially girls) in Cameroon have access to information sharing/dissemination and sensitization on COVID-19 protective measures and vaccines. It will also ensure safe and sanitary public spaces, such as health facilities and schools, and mobilize communities to get tested and treated for COVID-19.
Points of Light Foundation was awarded $250,000 to provide subgrants to local affiliates to address immediate needs response and to support their global coordination efforts through the website, channeling volunteers to where they are needed most.
Project Connect Nashville received $65,000 to meet the needs of more people specifically impacted by COVID-19 through three key program components: education, housing assistance and case management.
Project HOPE was awarded $250,000 to support the implementation of their next phase of Project HOPE’s COVID-19 Healthcare Preparedness and Response training program. To expand the reach of the program Project HOPE will set up virtual training teams to meet the increased demand from the global healthcare community and convert the trainings into eLearning modules, allowing frontline healthcare workers and public health professionals to access the content on their own time.
Project HOPE received an additional $1 million grant to leverage COVID-19 global training infrastructure. Project HOPE has developed a mental health resiliency program tailored for health care providers. This program uses a training-of-trainers model to help health workers develop resilient behaviors/strategies for dealing with the serious mental health pressures from their work. The program is multi-lingual, with the long-term goal of deploying it during natural disasters and humanitarian crises, giving health workers a critical lifeline when needed most.
Project HOPE received a third $500,000 grant to extend the successful mental health and resilience training for COVID-19 frontline health workers in 11 complex humanitarian emergency countries. Leveraging existing resources developed with CDP support, Project Hope will scale the program to reach an additional 16,000 health care workers across the following priority fragile and complex humanitarian context countries: Cameroon, Chad, Colombia, Haiti, Ethiopia, Mali, Nigeria, South Sudan, Sudan and Yemen.
ProPublica was awarded $500,000 to publish investigative reporting on the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath, including the provision of essential information to keep readers informed on how to stay safe during the immediate health crisis, deep-dives into how the situation developed, investigations into who is profiting from the crisis and who is bearing the brunt, as well as accountability coverage of vaccine deployment. ProPublica will also focus on stimulus spending and what will most likely be a prolonged economic downturn.
Public Broadcasting Atlanta received $110,000 to ensure people are informed and equipped to safely return to work and social activities, covering emerging hotspots and focusing on public policies that address economic and health equity. Additionally, the project will provide vital academic support by sustaining free tutoring for students most impacted by remote learning and other disruptions.
RAICES was awarded $120,000 to meet the mental and behavioral health needs of refugee families who RAICES resettles in the San Antonio area. The program helps ensure the security and stability of families who have been affected by COVID-19.
RAICES received an additional $100,000 to provide legal representation for unaccompanied minors arriving at the border because of the pandemic in their countries. This grant will help build and sustain their work capacity despite the pandemic-related increase in demand.
Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) received $125,000 to support hiring additional staff to respond to pandemic-related increased requests for support and resources for victim services.
Rainbow Days was awarded $65,000 to support children’s social-emotional development and meet tangible needs, the multifaceted COVID-19 Response Efforts include: 1) two weeks of outdoor summer camp (including recreation, interactive STEM classes and arts experiences) for homeless children, practicing social distancing and with other safety protocols in place; 2) care packages with learning activities and tangible items to enrich homeless children’s development; 3) monthly deliveries of food, cleaning supplies and toiletries for low-income families living in motels; and 4) mental health support for at-risk youth through virtual check-ins and care packages.
Relief International received $225,000 to support RI’s COVID response in rural areas in the Philippines by empowering vulnerable women with a market-driven livelihood that also supplies PPE needs to frontline caregivers amid the pandemic.
Resolve to Save Lives (RTSL)/Vital Strategies was awarded $500,000 to combat COVID-19 in African countries by facilitating country readiness for immediate COVID-19 vaccine roll-out. Three focus areas for technical and financial assistance are vaccine microplanning, crisis communications and coordination of national vaccine deployment. By providing early support in these key areas, this project allows countries to rapidly provide access to quality COVID-19 vaccination services among priority, vulnerable groups and establish the foundation for expanded national COVID-19 vaccination programming.
RTSL received an additional $400,000 to support risk communications and community engagement to facilitate efficient vaccination service delivery as vaccines become more widespread across the African region in Q4 2021.
Restaurant Workers Community Foundation was awarded $100,000 to provide Restaurant Workers Community Foundation (RWCF) the funding to support workers in crisis and small business owners with the Restaurant Workers COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund. RWCF will provide 50 percent of funding for direct financial assistance to individual restaurant workers who have lost their job or wages/hours due to the pandemic through their partnership with Southern Smoke. An additional 25 percent will fund nonprofit organizations that are serving restaurant workers in crisis. The remaining 25 percent will provide zero-interest loans for restaurants to get back up and running once they are allowed to open.
Save the Children received $250,000 to support their global COVID-19 response assistance to countries and communities at risk by providing community-based care and supporting health systems to strengthen essential defenses against the pandemic. Save the Children will 1.) isolate and treat COVID-19 patients, 2.) shield at-risk populations, 3.) expand services, 4.) adapt and enhance existing community-based programs and 5.) support the safe continuation of community-based interventions.
Save the Children was awarded an additional $750,000 for the Local Response Pooled Fund in South Sudan, which is a new, tried and tested pooled funding mechanism for international donors to pay into, and which transfers resources and decision-making power and authority over funding decisions to local actors in South Sudan. The project will fund 11 South Sudanese organizations to meet the most critical COVID-19-related humanitarian needs in the most remote, hard-to-reach and needy areas in South Sudan, and plans to reach around 48,000 vulnerable, at-risk affected people across the country.
Save the Children – Kenya was awarded $250,000 for building on the behavioral science-informed research done in phase 1 of Save the Children’s Vax-UP project and implementing it in Kenya.
Save the Children – Indonesia received $250,000 to change people’s perceptions and increase COVID-19 vaccination uptake among adults and eligible children in Indonesia.
Schott Foundation/Loving Communities Response Fund was awarded $75,000 to support 15 people-of-color-led grassroots organizations with $5,000 mini-grants for food, rental assistance and emergency care. One grant of $5,000 can provide shelter for 10-15 families, food for 200 families and more. The sub-grants will be funded rapidly to provide emergency support for vulnerable communities.
Sceptre Foundation received $60,000 to support the Black Family Initiative in Baton Rouge and the COVID-19 Family Condition and Behavioral Health Intervention project.
Square Mile Community Development was awarded $60,000 to provide reduced-cost or free fresh produce, food items, and nutritional support and education to families impacted by COVID-19 in neighborhoods designated as food deserts by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The grant also supports the PATH program which focuses on economic recovery for limited resource, women, and minority owned businesses and entrepreneurs who have faced economic hardships as a result of the pandemic. Services will be provided in the Panhandle of Texas in and near Amarillo.
Sexual Trauma Awareness & Response (STAR) received $125,000 to manage the increase in requests for sexual assault response and counseling services due to the effects of the pandemic in central and south Louisiana.
Solita’s House was awarded $100,000 to prevent homelessness resulting from COVID-19 related income loss/reduction in the Tampa Bay area.
Sowing Seeds with Faith received $75,000 to provide youth and family with the resources to be effective and efficient in their response and recovery from the pandemic.
Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS-US) was awarded $214,273.59 to support their work with Syrian refugees in Greece and Lebanon in addressing their needs related to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Teach for All / Ensina Brasil received $75,000 to improve digital teaching skills through online training to ensure learning continuity and decrease the gap for vulnerable students.
Teach for America was awarded $150,000 to help fund the Ignite Fellowship, which will use college students to support K-12 students affected by the COVID-19 pandemic learning loss. Teach for America’s Ignite Fellowship addresses the real needs of students while also providing assessment and analysis to help inform the program in real-time. They essentially support two populations by providing interactive tutoring and instruction from college students for those needing additional educational support. Teach for America has a long history of improving educational opportunities for marginalized and disproportionately affected people.
Teach For America received a second grant of $250,000 to support the Ignite Fellowship program that builds on Teach For America’s 30 years of experience cultivating talent and partnering with communities across the country to help students overcome systemic barriers to education exacerbated by the pandemic. Ignite brings exceptional, equity-minded leaders into classrooms virtually to add immediate value for students’ academic and social-emotional well-being, while creating shifts towards the future of equitable learning.
Tennessee Charitable Care Network received $100,000 to provide “rapid response” financial support to TCCN members serving low income, uninsured and underinsured patients. The project enables members to sustain or strengthen their COVID-19 screening and treatment services, while also maintaining primary and chronic care services during the ongoing pandemic.
Tennessee Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition was awarded $70,000 to ensure that immigrant and refugee communities have equitable access to available resources through community education, referrals, ongoing case management and direct financial assistance.
Texas Tribune received $50,000 to give Texans access to nonpartisan news and information about the coronavirus pandemic and related statewide issues. The Tribune will create data visualizations, maintain data explorers and produce engagement events to convey critical information and promote informed public conversations.
Texas Workers Defense Project was awarded $100,000 to help low-wage, undocumented workers and their families in Austin, Dallas and Houston stay safe, healthy and financially stable during the COVID-19 pandemic by: 1) educating immigrants about their labor rights, workplace safety and resources; 2) providing immigrant workers with legal advice and support for employment rights issues; and 3) advocating for local, state and federal policy changes and assisting with policy enforcement.
United Neighborhood Health Tennessee received $70,000 to reach some of middle Tennessee’s most vulnerable and at-risk residents and reduce COVID-19 transmission. By decreasing potential illness, hospitalization and death, the project is focused on maintaining or improving the health of this vulnerable population.
Vibrant Emotional Health was awarded $500,000 to support its Crisis Emotional Care Team in its response to the COVID-19 pandemic over a period of 18 months. In recognition of the pandemic’s national scope, its associated prolonged stresses and the increased incidence of clinically significant mental health challenges in the wake of this disaster, Vibrant will: 1) develop a cadre of volunteer mental health professionals active across all 50 states and the U.S. territories to provide services to support the resilience of communities and organizations during and after the pandemic and 2) provide state-of-the-art disaster mental health training to licensed mental health professionals on an ongoing and “just in time” basis.
Vibrant Emotional Health received an additional $200,000 to support expanding and sustaining the capacity of its Crisis Emotional Care Team as the needs for its services increase due to the ongoing pandemic. Vibrant is a critical service provider and offers services to government agencies, health care providers, communities and individuals who have experienced trauma and stress as this crisis drags on. CDP funding will support expanding and sustaining their capacity to do this vital work.
Vibrant Emotional Health was awarded an additional $500,000 from multiple CDP funding streams, including the COVID-19 Response Fund and the CDP Disaster Recovery Fund to offer robust and accessible virtual and in-person best practices training to prepare communities and nonprofit organizations to respond in the wake of a natural or human-caused disaster. Vibrant’s Crisis Emotional Care Team’s focus will be with nonprofit organizations that may not be disaster response organizations but have engaged in providing support in disasters to meet the needs of the community, working in faith-based agencies, schools, government sites and local gathering spaces.
Wayuu Taya Foundation received $50,000 to access PPE supplies for medical personnel and the most vulnerable communities in the Indigenous region along the northern Venezuela-Colombia border.
World Central Kitchen (WCK) was awarded $250,000 to expand their efforts to provide meals through two different phases or methods. First, by providing meals on a large scale for vulnerable populations in cities with greatest need. Focus is on feeding frontline healthcare workers, older adults, children and their families, as well as people who are suddenly in a situation where they no longer have a paycheck. Second, by integrating restaurants and meal delivery companies, WCK will also be supporting the food industries that are suffering. Meals cost a bit more this way, but they are providing meals, wages and income for the struggling industry.
YMCA of Florida’s First Coast received $100,000 to help vulnerable populations address pressing needs that have been exacerbated by the pandemic. Specifically, projects will focus on childcare for low income families, prevention of social isolation for older adults, and resource and services assistance for immigrants.
In addition to these grants, another $187,288.29 from the CDP COVID-19 Response Fund was approved in conjunction with the CDP Global Recovery Fund for Doctors Without Borders (MSF) for infection prevention and control measures related to the COVID-19 pandemic response in Yemen and Venezuela.
New grantees will be posted as additional grant funds are awarded.