We provide customized solutions to corporate and foundation clients to support disaster recovery and address humanitarian crises.
Let us help you take the guesswork out of who to fund, where and when.
Disasters can occur anytime, anywhere. Pandemics, hurricanes, wildfires, floods and humanitarian crises are threatening the lives and livelihoods of billions worldwide. This creates a critical need to know when to respond and how to do so effectively.
CDP can help you develop a strategic plan that enables you to prepare for and respond to these unexpected crises, from supporting relief to investing in long-term, equitable recovery for affected communities.
Our Services
- Strategic Planning: Align institutional goals, values and strategies with customized disaster giving.
- Facilitation and Partnerships: Identify and connect with other donors and networks.
- Research and Analysis: Delve into data and resources for actionable insights.
- Technical Assistance: Strengthen internal expertise and capacity to implement disaster initiatives.
- Grants Management: Increase the effectiveness of current disaster giving with an equity lens.
- Leadership: Know when, where and how to activate disaster response and recovery initiatives.
Explore the ways we can help.
For foundations, donor-advised funds and corporations
Discover how our client-centered strategies tailored to your organizational goals and CSR/ESG needs can boost your philanthropic impact.
Learn more or contact our Development team for more information.
Back-office clients
Do you need rapid support for disasters when they occur? Could you use disaster trend analysis?
Contact us about becoming a back-office client!
For nonprofits
We highly value the work of our grantee partners and other domestic and international nongovernmental organizations working to support people affected by a disaster. There are a few ways that these organizations can connect with us.
Meet our clients
Our clients range in size, mission and structure – from private and community foundations to corporations and donor-advised funds. They all share our commitment to minimizing the effect of disasters and humanitarian crises on communities around the globe through effective disaster philanthropy.
Learn how our team helped these organizations and industry leaders maximize their impact.
“We recommend that funders interested in supporting disaster recovery utilize the services of the Center for Disaster Philanthropy (CDP) to design their plans. … [CDP] got to know our overall philanthropic philosophy as well as the Westfield Insurance corporate structure and culture and objectively offered recommendations.”
Gretchen Long
Community Investment Leader
Westfield Insurance Foundation
We look forward to hearing from you!
We welcome the opportunity to answer questions and tailor our consulting services to meet your needs. For more information, contact our Development team.
Additional Resources

CDP launches a Global Hunger Crisis Fund

Complex humanitarian emergencies: How do donors prioritize when global needs are so great?