Network of Disaster Funders

The Network of Disaster Funders is a community of funders that centers equitable recovery and promotes effective disaster philanthropy by strengthening connections and sharing learnings.

When the Center for Disaster Philanthropy was founded, its goal was to improve philanthropy’s knowledge and skills in disaster grantmaking. Since 2010, the field has grown tremendously.

Currently, several networks and collaboratives bring together funders working on issues related to disasters or climate with specific focuses such as climate equity, wildfire resilience, localization and resources for geographic-specific community foundations.

The idea emerged to establish a network that is broad in scope and includes disaster funders from across the U.S. who represent a diversity of organizational types, funding areas and a climate change or disaster focus.

The Network of Disaster Funders is a community of funders that centers equitable recovery and promotes effective disaster philanthropy by strengthening connections and sharing learnings. Members gather regularly to discuss relevant topics, share insights and offer support.

Members are established or emerging disaster philanthropy professionals in the U.S. who fund or address disasters or climate justice domestically or internationally, such as place-based funders or foundations with a global focus. Participants can be grantmakers or staff of philanthropy-serving organizations active in disasters that are open to learning and sharing with peers.

Meetings are held bi-monthly on the fourth Tuesday at 1 p.m. ET. Between meetings, members are invited to participate in a Google group to continue discussions.

The following beliefs and learning questions guide the Network of Disaster Funders.

Beliefs Learning questions
Further investment in recovery, preparedness, mitigation and resilience is needed to reduce disaster impact. What will it take to invest more in recovery, preparedness, mitigation and resilience?
Racism and legacies of colonialism are barriers to equitable outcomes and inclusion. How can we, as disaster funders, advance equitable outcomes?
Climate change will continue to exacerbate disasters and requires action. What will it take to make meaningful progress toward helping communities address and adapt to climate change?
Giving locally empowers communities and provides resources to people closest to the issues. What will it take to increase funding and shift power to local groups?
Sharing learnings and active collaboration improves our work and strengthens disaster philanthropy. How can we share learnings and work together better?

The Center for Disaster Philanthropy convenes and organizes the Network of Disaster Funders. For more information or to express interest in joining, please get in touch with Austin Snowbarger, Manager of Learning and Partnerships.



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