Meet Our Global Refugee Crisis Fund Grantee Partners
Through the CDP Global Refugee Crisis Fund, we awarded grants to four organizations.

Concern received two grants to provide protection programming to women and children in Syria. Concern has leveraged the grants to help Syrian women to protect themselves and assert their rights through community-based protection initiatives. Additionally, community members received training on key protection concerns, particularly gender-based violence and child protection.
Mercy Corps received two grants to support two No Lost Generation Community Centers to address the critical needs of more than 360 adolescents, their families, and communities in Syria. In the immediate term, Mercy Corps is addressing the psychosocial well-being of adolescents along with their access to safe spaces.
With their grant, Maram Foundation for Relief and Development is undertaking facility and capacity improvements for the school that they run for internally displaced children.
The Center for Disaster Philanthropy also received a designated gift to support the International Rescue Committee’s programs in Europe. The purpose of this grant was to create sustainable and dignified conditions for refugees fleeing to Europe.