Meet Our Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Recovery Fund Grantee Partners
The CDP Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Recovery Fund focuses on medium- and long-term recovery, ensuring access to basic services, and strengthening the protection of those affected by the humanitarian crisis and COVID-19.

Alliance Global received $230,000 to improve resilience and enable sustainable recovery and rehabilitation of marginalized and conflict-affected LGBTQIA+ people through improved mental health. The grant also strengthens the organizational capacity of Alliance Global and its employees, volunteers and representatives of LGBTIQ+ communities, with benefits being gained both during and after the large-scale war in Ukraine.
In 2024, Alliance Global received $287,510 to support sustainable recovery and rehabilitation by improving the mental health of LGBTIQ+ people who found themselves in difficult life circumstances due to the war in Ukraine, as well as to strengthen the leadership and organizational capacity of Alliance Global during and after the conflict.
Association Juduroro received $250,000 to provide long-term support and integration for 400 Roma refugees and marginalized host communities in Poland through education, vocational activation and psychosocial support, to help them build a sustainable and resilient future.
Association of Roma Women was awarded $250,000, invested over a two-year period, to ensure the long-term capacity, stability and organizational development of this Roma women-led organization, which provides humanitarian aid to the most vulnerable affected Roma populations in Ukraine, and works on the economic recovery of the Roma community.
Association of Roma Women received an additional $250,000 grant in 2024 to increase the social and civic activity of the Roma community in Ukraine, its significance in Ukrainian civil society, and to strengthen the capacity of Roma activists as part of civil society, with a special focus on Roma women and girls. This will contribute to the visibility of Roma organizations, improve their organizational capacity and raise funds for their activities.
Charitable Foundation Rokada received $250,000 to facilitate the integration of internally displaced persons through the creation of Councils of IDPs, which include representatives of local communities, IDPs and executive authorities. IDP councils are advisory bodies and are involved in the decision-making and resolution of problematic issues related to the implementation of state policy in the field of protection of the rights of IDPs.
Corus Solutions received $1 million to rebuild smallholder farmer and IDP livelihoods, increase local climate-adaptive agricultural capacity and production, and improve food security in Kharkiv Oblast.
Deakin University’s Centre for Humanitarian Leadership was awarded $749,362 to elevate, empower and strengthen local civil society leadership in the Ukraine humanitarian crisis. They’ll work to enhance the disaster recovery capabilities of local organizations by strengthening local leadership, knowledge, understanding and ability to effectively engage with, advocate for their needs and influence response and recovery plans and decisions currently made in the ‘international humanitarian system’.
Fight for Right received $256,340 to support the reintegration and empowerment of women veterans with disabilities by providing them with the necessary resources, training and advocacy tools to become active participants in local and national decision-making processes.
Fulcrum received $164,054 to improve access to inclusive psychological support and services for employees in Ukraine leading to improved services in the workplace to deal with trauma, stress, burnout, etc. caused by the war. Fulcrum is developing educational materials and providing practical support to business psychologists and HR professionals and making those materials available online for all psychologists and HR professionals to benefit from. All services are based on the principles of social inclusion and gender equality (GESI), which includes LGBTQ, veterans, and IDPs.
Fundacja Teach for Poland received $250,000 to enhance the competencies and leadership skills of intercultural assistants working with refugee children from Ukraine who are integrated into public Polish schools, fostering intercultural dialogue and education and promoting resilience.
Fundacja Ukrainski Dom (Ukrainian House) received $250,000 to increase and improve the participation, integration, and effective social and economic inclusion and functioning of Ukrainian refugees in society, enabling them to fully exploit their potential and counteract social exclusion and discrimination.
Gender Stream received $250,000 to identify and strengthen the leadership capacity of nascent LGBTQI+ rights activists and civil society leaders to work with their communities, and to advocate for greater inclusion of affected LGBTQIA+ people in response and recovery plans.
HelpAge USA received $872,336 in 2022 from CDP’s COVID-19 Response Fund and Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Recovery Fund to improve the lives of older people. HelpAge will do this by influencing the UN-led international humanitarian system and three country-level systems to be more inclusive of older people. They’ll also empower nongovernmental organization (NGO) humanitarian actors in Ukraine, Moldova and Ethiopia to deliver age-inclusive humanitarian response and recovery programs and ensure the participation of older people in identifying their priority needs and longer-term recovery solutions. The project will also generate research and evidence on age-inclusive practices that can be used as an advocacy tool to be built into all humanitarian responses.
HelpAge Moldova received $45,000 in 2024 to improve its capacity to help older people affected by crises, including refugees from Ukraine, through the formalized, rigorous, and organizationally-tailored and directed SHAPE model, a preferred capacity-strengthening approach. This work will be supported by HelpAge International and is part of a multi-country investment into strengthening local organizational capacities and leadership to ensure voices and needs of older people are included in response and recovery plans.
IMA Innovations (Corus International) received $1,000,000 in 2023 to rebuild smallholder farmer and IDP livelihoods, increase local climate-adaptive agricultural capacity and production, and improve food security in Kharkiv Oblast.
Kyiv Pride was awarded $250,000 to implement a comprehensive program offering newly displaced and/or unemployed LGBTQIA+ IDPs a temporary place to stay should they need it, psychosocial support and trauma therapy during their transition and integration, new skills training, stipends for startup grants, and support to enable them to be self-sufficient. The program helps build resilience, protecting individuals from negative coping strategies that would prevent an equitable recovery and leaving them with transferable skills to sustain them wherever they end up throughout the recovery process.
Martynka received $250,000 to provide holistic support, including information, legal advice, case management and safeguarding, for the Ukrainian refugee community in Poland, particularly women and LGBTQIA+ people who find themselves in vulnerable circumstances.
Miyamoto Relief received $250,000 to develop guidelines and training to enable the safe demolition of asbestos-containing structures in war-damaged Ukraine, which pose a significant health hazard to communities recovering from the impact of war.
NGO Girls received $350,000 to provide long-term recovery and resilience-oriented solutions, including capacity strengthening, mental health and resiliency support, for local social actors (police, social workers, educators etc.), war-affected populations and national women-led CSOs.
ORAM received a two-year grant of $485,000 to build the capacity of international NGOs, NGOs and civil society organizations working with LGBTIQ refugees to provide them with the tools to meet the unique needs of LGBTIQ refugees in Europe and Kenya.
OutRight International received $491,000 to assess and document the needs of LGBTIQ people in Ukraine and how humanitarian assessment, response and recovery plans are meeting or failing to meet those needs. OutRight International aims to make LGBTIQ inclusion visible in key humanitarian spaces through meaningful participation, convening and connecting all relevant actors; and by advocating and raising awareness for LGBTIQ inclusion among humanitarian organizations and agencies for application in Ukraine and other disaster and crisis-affected countries around the globe.
In 2024, OutRight International received $598,900 for a two-year grant to accelerate and document the process of institutionalizing structural reform within Ukraine’s UN Coordination system to further strengthen LGBTIQ inclusion in humanitarian response and recovery; further strengthen Ukrainian LGBTIQ CSO capacity; and deepen collaboration with and further strengthen capacity of humanitarian and other actors working to expand rights to effectively incorporate LGBTIQ needs into Ukraine’s humanitarian assistance.
Philanthropy in Ukraine received $249,760 towards a multi-donor funded project to build out and enhance the platform, conduct comprehensive research, offer capacity-building initiatives to empower local civil society, and broker and foster a proactive community of Ukrainian and international nonprofit organizations, ultimately resulting in a strengthened and more impactful philanthropic ecosystem to respond to long-term recovery needs in Ukraine.
Polish Center for International Aid (PCPM) received $250,000 to support The Polish Organizations Pooled Fund (POP Fund), an innovative participatory financing mechanism that aims to address the ongoing longer-term recovery and integration needs of Ukrainian refugees in Poland. This grant will enable the provision of nine small grants to Polish local NGOs and community-based organizations that would otherwise find it challenging to secure funding, despite being best placed to deliver critical assistance programs that target the most vulnerable populations often in remote areas.
Pomogaem received $40,000 from the Ukraine Crisis Recovery Fund to enhance its organizational capacity to ensure inclusive, effective, efficient and appropriate response, recovery and resilience programs, according to humanitarian standards, and with focus on key vulnerable groups, such as older adults and people with disabilities.
Ptaha received $46,000 to enhance Ptaha’s organizational capacity and ability to ensure a more inclusive, effective, efficient and appropriate response and recovery, according to humanitarian standards, and with a special focus on the most vulnerable groups in Ukraine, such as older adults and people with disabilities.
Refugees International (RI) received $160,000 to help operationalize the localization agenda in Ukraine through the recently launched Alliance for Ukrainian Civil Society Organizations, which requested that RI continue to provide expertise and international advocacy support across the Alliance’s multiple lines of effort.
The Rural Women’s Business Network received $400,000 to focus on long-term solutions to build up the resilience of rural initiative groups and communities via social consumer cooperatives during the humanitarian crisis and after-war recovery period. The initiative aims to enhance energy efficiency, foster energy independence, achieve self-sufficiency through social consumer services, and raise awareness of rural women’s pivotal role in humanitarian action, food safety and economic recovery.
Save the Children was awarded $900,000 to equip 15 kindergartens, reach 2,250 children, and train 750 parents/caregivers and 150 teachers on Early Childhood Development tools and approaches. The program will use Sesame Workshop resources so conflict-affected girls and boys ages 2-6 in the Ukraine oblasts of Ivano-Frankivsk and Zakarpattia have access to safe, quality, and inclusive learning and play. The program aims to improve access to safe, quality and inclusive ECCD and preschool education; and improve children’s psychological resilience and well-being. Save the Children will also generate evidence on program effectiveness for future program design and decision-making, advocacy, fundraising and information-sharing with other humanitarian actors (including the government) in Ukraine and globally.
Teach for Poland Foundation received $250,000 to enhance the competencies and leadership skills of intercultural assistants working with refugee children from Ukraine who are integrated into public Polish schools, fostering intercultural dialogue and education and promoting resilience.
Ukrainian Down Syndrome Organization received $115,000 to enable the provision of more comprehensive support to people with Down syndrome, their families and the organizations that help them. They are doing this by strengthening their own capacity, strengthening the capacity of a network of 30 disability-serving grassroots organizations and developing an online platform of resources in Ukrainian. Their intent is to strengthen the platform and ensure the resilience of the sector to be able to flourish and help people with disabilities and their caregivers to recover from the impacts of the war throughout and beyond into post-conflict reconstruction.
Ukrainian House received $250,000 to increase and improve the participation, integration, and effective social and economic inclusion and functioning of Ukrainian refugees in society, better enabling them to reach their potential and counteract social exclusion and discrimination.
Zustricz Foundation received $200,000 to provide long-term recovery and resilience-building activities among refugees from Ukraine, supporting their adaptation and integration in Poland, and increasing the independence and self-determination of refugees from Ukraine residing in Krakow and the surrounding region (Malopolska Voivodeship).
New grantee partners will be posted as additional grant funds are awarded.