Disaster Philanthropy Playbook
Contact Us
Center for Disaster Philanthropy
The Center for Disaster Philanthropy welcomes your comments, your interest and your involvement. Together, we can make a lasting impact on disaster-affected communities across the globe.
The Playbook General Inquiry or to receive a logo that can be used on your website: playbook@disasterphilanthropy.org
CDP Office Address: One Thomas Circle, NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20005
CDP Office Phone: 1-202-464-2018
If you would like to use materials found on the Playbook, we ask that you provide credit to “Center for Disaster Philanthropy, Disaster Philanthropy Playbook, disasterplaybook.org.”
Media Inquiries:
For media inquiries, please contact Kristina (“Yna”) Moore at kristina.moore@disasterphilanthropy.org.