Playbook Update: Earth Day Twitter Chat & Environment Strategy
In spite of the nor’easter blowing up the eastern seaboard and across the north this week, most of us have experienced very mild weather during the past few weeks. That assures me that even though I’m cold right now, spring is just around the corner. It’s a time of renewal, rain, and new beauty. That […]

In spite of the nor’easter blowing up the eastern seaboard and across the north this week, most of us have experienced very mild weather during the past few weeks. That assures me that even though I’m cold right now, spring is just around the corner.
It’s a time of renewal, rain, and new beauty. That freshness in the air and water also comes with a reminder to be good to the earth around you. During the third week of April, I’ll be co-hosting a #CDPPlaybook Twitter chat with the Ella Delio, the director of environmental and regional initiatives at the Greater New Orleans Foundation.
We’re working to finalize the details, but the chat will focus on why environmental funding is important, especially in the disaster arena. We’re conscientiously hosting the chat during the week prior to Earth Day (April 22). Created by a former senator from Wisconsin in an effort to force environmental protection onto the national political agenda, this day we are all reminded to find ways big and small to take care of the natural beauty around us.
I’m really looking forward to chatting with everyone on this topic, and details on how to join will be sent out in an email to MyPlaybook users. If you haven’t signed up for a MyPlaybook account, just visit
You can also read through the environmental strategy of the Playbook ahead of the Twitter chat and see Ella’s video discussing environment and the disasters below.
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Next week, I’m also headed to Hollywood, where I’ll be presenting at the Grants Managers Network Conference. Stop by either of my sessions: “Working Together: Effective Funder Collaboration in Disaster Grantmaking” on Tuesday and “Dive In: Disasters and Data on Wednesday.” I’d love to connect with you!
As always, we’re looking for your ideas and feedback. It’s your experiences and ideas that make the Playbook great.
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