There are many common issues faced by communities, post-disaster. The information contained within the Playbook is organized around these issues including housing, mental health, communications and working collaboratively with local government and FEMA. An informed philanthropic and nonprofit sector, armed with strategies that promote and protect human welfare, support community dialogue and hold government accountable is absolutely central to an effective, efficient, equitable and fair recovery. These are all issues philanthropy has invested in after disasters and examples of this work can be found throughout the pages of the Playbook website. CDP recognizes the increased need for philanthropy to prepare in advance for disasters and is working to build resources that support this advanced planning. Finally, the renewed Playbook puts an increased emphasis on equitable disaster recovery, recognizing the increased disparities faced by many in disaster-affected communities.

The strategies, lessons learned and impact stories contained throughout this site were developed to be of maximum benefit to the national social sector—to funders, individual philanthropists and nonprofit organizations. It is CDP’s intention to keep this online resource “evergreen” but that requires participation of the NGO and philanthropic sector to share their innovative strategies and stories of impact so they may be added to this national compilation.


Center for Disaster Philanthropy

CDP is the only full-time resource to help donors make thoughtful disaster-related giving decisions and maximize the impact of their gifts. CDP’s mission is to transform the field of disaster philanthropy to increase donor effectiveness throughout the lifecycle of disasters through its educational resources, fund opportunities and strategic guidance.

With an emphasis on medium- to long-term recovery and disaster risk reduction, CDP works to:

  • Increase the effectiveness of contributions given to disasters.
  • Bring greater attention to the life cycle of disasters, from preparedness and planning to rebuilding and recovery efforts.
  • Provide timely and relevant advice from experts with deep knowledge of disaster philanthropy.
  • Conduct due diligence so donors can give with confidence.
  • Create plans for informed giving for individuals, corporations and foundations.
  • Support targeted, localized and holistic grantmaking.

Disaster Philanthropy Playbook, 2019 update:

Researched, written and compiled by
Tanya Gulliver-Garcia, assistant director of major initiatives, with assistance from Regine A. Webster, vice president, and Greg Doering, writer.

Editing, layout and promotion by
Melanie Davis-Jones, director of marketing and communications, and Ruja Entcheva, digital marketing manager.

Fundraising by
Laura Starr, director of development

Site design by
on design, new york city,

Homepage photo credit
National Guard photo by: Tech. Sgt. Mike R. Smith