Miracle Helps a Family Recover

On Sept. 3, 2018, torrential rainfall caused devastating flooding in Manhattan, Kansas. The Labor Day Flood damaged and destroyed personal property, homes and vehicles. A single mother with two children, who works outside the Manhattan community to make ends meet, lost her car due to the flood water. She was devastated by the loss which forced her to rent a vehicle on an income unable to support both a rental car and food for her family. Thankfully, a miracle happened: Catholic Charities of Northern Kansas received a donated van. Thanks to generous donations, Catholic Charities was able to provide the family with a van and $1000 in repairs to replace the oil, six spark plugs, and cylinder head bolt and gasket set, as well as repair the oil filter and add antifreeze. Now the family is once again living within budget, driving comfortably to and from work, and running family errands.

Catholic Charities received a grant from the Midwest Early Recovery Fund to support disaster case management services, including needs assessment and case work, related to the Kansas flooding.

(Photo source: Janet Kendall – Campbell, Manhattan, KS)

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