New American Pathways

“Getting the shot was so easy! Thank you for helping us.” 

The impact of COVID-19 has been profound across the nation. According to Reuters’ COVID-19 tracker, as of July 18, 2021, the total number of lives lost in the U.S. since early 2020 is 607,913, with more than 34 million cases reported. The development and authorization of COVID-19 vaccines have resulted in the administration of more than 337 million doses in the country, but with new coronavirus variants popping up, infection rates are yet again on the rise.

In March 2020, the Center for Disaster Philanthropy (CDP) established the COVID-19 Response Fund dedicated to supporting containment, response and recovery activities for those most affected by the pandemic and first-responders. New American Pathways, a COVID-19 Response Fund grantee partner, is responding to COVID-19-related needs in Atlanta’s refugee and immigrant communities. They are prioritizing the sharing of accurate information and building relationships to help families and individuals protect themselves and their loved ones.

Mr. H and his daughters were one such family. Due to age and health conditions, Mr. H was at elevated risk during the pandemic. He and his daughters, who also serve as his caregivers, remained homebound primarily out of concern for their safety.

They were nervous at first about getting vaccinated. Still, after several conversations with others who had received the shot and with New American Pathways case management staff, they decided to protect themselves and their community. New American Pathways, along with their community partner Ethne Health Center, shared vaccine information, assisted in scheduling the appointment, and provided transportation to and interpretation during the vaccine appointment for Mr. H and his family.

“Getting the shot was so easy! Thank you for helping us.”

CDP is proud to support the work of New American Pathways and its dedication to providing equitable access to and accurate information about the COVID-19 vaccine.

(Photo source: New American Pathways)


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