Meeting On-Going Matthew Recovery Needs

Hurricane Matthew happened two months ago, but for many people in affected areas, the storm has left them starting the holiday season in drastically altered circumstances. This past year has been one of unprecedented flooding across the United States. As we have come to know all too well, the recovery phase from these disasters is […]

North Carolina Army National Guardsmen (NCNG) and local emergency services assist with the evacuation efforts in Fayetteville, N.C., on Friday, Oct. 08, 2016. Heavy rains caused by Hurricane Matthew have led to flooding as high as five feet in some areas. U.S. Army National Guard photo by Staff Sgt. Jonathan Shaw, 382nd Public Affairs Detachment/Released.

Hurricane Matthew happened two months ago, but for many people in affected areas, the storm has left them starting the holiday season in drastically altered circumstances.

This past year has been one of unprecedented flooding across the United States. As we have come to know all too well, the recovery phase from these disasters is brutal, time consuming, and full of financial gaps.

Hurricane Matthew North Carolina rescue
North Carolina Army National Guardsmen and local emergency services assist with the evacuation efforts in Fayetteville, N.C. on Oct. 8, 2016. Credit: Staff Sgt. Jonathan Shaw CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons

Our partner nongovernmental organizations have worked hard in areas affected by Hurricane Matthew, and will continue to do so as long as they have the necessary resources. Many of their facilities, the operational homes of key community support and programming, were also damaged by Hurricane Matthew, adding another layer to response and recovery.
I wanted to share a few comments I’ve received from those on working in storm-affected areas.
On flood response “This has been the year of floods—West Virginia, Louisiana, and Hurricane Matthew. In the last twelve months I have heard more reference to “historical floods” than in all of my twelve years with Mennonite Disaster Service. The climate is changing. So our volunteers are answering the call and responding. We will be there.” Kevin King, Mennonite Disaster Service
Needs during the next few months include affordable housing, along with conditions such as job loss, costly car repairs, personal financial losses, business and community recovery needs such as child care brought on by the storm. Also, pre-existing conditions such as homelessness, food security, and other pre-existing conditions made worse by the storm. Salvation Army and Habitat for Humanity
Funding needs “We are trying to get creative and figure out how to fund/staff response efforts for Matthew until the end of 2016 as we are still being asked to assist in several East coast states.” Nechama
Funding for floods is difficult—with needs deep in the nitty gritty of a local community—but they are essential for thousands who are trying to put their lives and businesses back together. We hope you’ll contact us if you’re looking to fund recovery in one or many of these communities.
For more details on response efforts and ways to take action, please see the Hurricane Matthew disaster profile.

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