The Patterson Foundation Contributes $375,000 to CDP’s Turkey & Syria Earthquake Recovery Fund
Located in a region that navigates a potentially perilous hurricane season annually, The Patterson Foundation understands the importance of medium- and long-term recovery after disasters and human-made crises. In the Center of Disaster Philanthropy (CDP), The Patterson Foundation has a longtime partner that has guided its approach to making informed, strategic giving decisions that strengthen people, organizations, and communities in the months and years that follow.
The Feb. 6 earthquake that has devastated parts of Turkey and Syria brings long-term disaster recovery into focus once more. The staggering destruction and loss of life will create great challenges – both foreseen and unforeseen – for many going forward. A flexible, sustainable approach to philanthropy is essential to ensure that the areas affected by this disaster are able to rebuild with strength and resiliency.
The opportunity to strengthen this approach inspired The Patterson Foundation to give $375,000 in unrestricted funding to CDP’s Turkey & Syria Earthquake Recovery Fund, which prioritizes medium- and long-term needs identified in collaboration with local partners, such as shelter, protection, cash assistance and health care. This latest gift makes up part of the nearly $6.3 million The Patterson Foundation has invested in CDP since 2013 for operations and recovery efforts in the aftermath of disasters around the world.
“As citizens of the world, we are all affected by the horrendous scenes of destruction coming out of Turkey and Syria,” said Debra Jacobs, president and CEO of The Patterson Foundation. “The Patterson Foundation has the moral imperative to strengthen people, organizations, and communities wherever large-scale disaster strikes. With CDP, donors can support recovery priorities that will emerge months after initial disaster relief efforts have concluded.”
With an intersectional racial equity lens and an emphasis on medium- and long-term recovery, CDP works to identify gaps in recovery funding to help direct financial and technical support where it is needed most. CDP created its Turkey & Syria Earthquake Recovery Fund to address the needs that will emerge in the months following the earthquake.
Restoration of agriculture and other livelihoods and ensuring safe and accessible buildings for disabled people during reconstruction are two of these potential future needs, especially for those who have lost some or all of their family. The fund is informed by more than a decade of work to strengthen medium- and long-term recovery efforts following disasters such as Haiti’s earthquakes in 2010 and 2021 and Syria’s ongoing refugee crisis.
“Through this gift, The Patterson Foundation demonstrates its commitment to the Turkish and Syrian people affected by the devastating earthquakes,” said Patricia McIlreavy, president and CEO of CDP. “We hope it inspires other donors to mobilize vital funding for addressing critical needs in the region’s long road to recovery.”
CDP is the only full-time national resource dedicated to helping donors maximize their impact by making more intentional giving decisions in response to domestic and international disasters. CDP’s expertise and tangible impact on communities worldwide have helped it evolve into a trusted resource for both major philanthropists and grassroots donors. Additionally, CDP consults with foundations such as The Patterson Foundation and corporations on disaster-related giving strategies that best align with their missions.
Visit to learn more about The Patterson Foundation and its support for CDP.
Updated 2/24/2023