CDP Raises $440,000 for Operations Support

Aug. 28, 2013: With dollar-for-dollar matching gifts from The Patterson Foundation, the Center for Disaster Philanthropy has raised $440,000 to support its work to transform how donors think about, respond and give to natural disasters. The matching challenge by The Patterson Foundation positioned CDP to leverage its fund development efforts throughout the critical first year in operation as a 501 (c) (3). All funds are unrestricted.

“Thanks to The Patterson Foundation’s generous support, CDP will continue to develop our role as sector thought-leaders by connecting individuals and organizations that are actively involved in disaster grant-making, commissioning unique research about effective disaster philanthropy, and increasing the capacity of the philanthropic community to respond to disasters. The Patterson Foundation’s expertise and ongoing support builds a valuable partnership, which will help us reach these goals,” said Robert G. Ottenhoff, CDP President and CEO.

“We believe it is critical to provide catalyst support for CDP as it evolves into a thought leader and connector in the disaster philanthropy space,” said Debra Jacobs, president and CEO of The Patterson Foundation. “We are delighted to see so many funders making an investment in an organization positioned to make a meaningful impact about smart giving following disasters.”

About Us

The Center for Disaster Philanthropy

Disaster philanthropy has become an all-too-necessary practice in recent years. Yet donors still are challenged to determine how, when, and to whom to give to have the greatest impact. The Center for Disaster Philanthropy helps individual, family, corporate, and institutional donors answer the question, “How can I help?” more easily and quickly in the wake of a disaster. The Center provides a platform of learning and connection with leading disaster experts and other disaster philanthropists that brings more private money to disaster response efforts.  The organization was named one of five “nonprofit highpoints of 2012” by The Chronicle of Philanthropy. For more information, please visit

The Patterson Foundation

The Patterson Foundation believes that through communications, technology, and financial innovations, improvements may be achieved that transcend any single issue, entity, or geographic area. The Foundation provides resources to facilitate, expedite and share methods, techniques and tools, joining with others in creating new realities. For more information, please visit

CDP mobilizes philanthropy to strengthen communities’ ability to withstand disasters and recover equitably when they occur. It provides expert advice and educational resources, supports diverse coalitions and manages domestic and international disaster funds on behalf of corporations, foundations and individuals through targeted, holistic and localized grantmaking. Find out more at and on X and LinkedIn.