Meet Our Turkey & Syria Earthquake Recovery Fund Grantee Partners
The CDP Turkey & Syria Earthquake Recovery Fund supports the most underserved and at-risk earthquake-affected families and communities as they work to rebuild and recover from the 2023 earthquakes.

Aman Project received a $199,680 grant to support vulnerable earthquake-affected LGBTQIA+ refugees in Turkey with temporary shelter, cash assistance and support accessing services to ensure their basic needs are met and they are able to recover their lives and livelihoods.
Association for Social Development and Aid Mobilization (ASAM) received a $400,000 grant to promote inclusive disaster recovery, enhance community resilience, provide comprehensive psychosocial support to refugees with disabilities, their families, and caregivers, and facilitate mobility for individuals with disabilities affected by the earthquake.
Beyaz Baretliler DerneğI (White Helmets) received a $1,000,000 grant to rehabilitate a major supply road running from the Jarablus cross-border point between Turkey/Syria, and develop a prototype for an innovative autonomous mine detection and removal system, enabling quicker and safer recovery from the earthquake impact for vulnerable populations in northwest Syria.
Building Markets received $250,000 to provide marginalized refugee entrepreneurs with tools and financial recovery plans to restart their small businesses, supporting the economic recovery of their households and their vulnerable affected employees. CDP visited some beneficiaries/program participants and heard first-hand accounts of the impact of funds on local and international businesses.
Deakin University – Centre for Humanitarian Leadership received a $250,000 grant to adapt and translate the successful “Crisis Leadership Program” into Arabic and the Turkey/Syria context, and deliver the programs to multiple cohorts of leaders working in key roles in the response and long-term recovery process. These leadership development courses aim to elevate, empower and strengthen local civil society leadership working in the Turkey/Syria earthquake-affected regions, which have been severely impacted by the 12+ year-long protracted conflict crisis in Syria. The program will enhance the disaster recovery capabilities of local organizations by strengthening local leadership, knowledge, understanding and ability to effectively engage with partners, advocate for their needs, and influence response and recovery decisions within the international humanitarian system while also requiring effective coordination and nuanced negotiation with local authorities in Turkey and Syria.
Guardians of Equality Movement (GEM) received a $200,000 grant to combat the psychological and economic impact on the most vulnerable earthquake-affected LGBTQIA+ populations in southeast Turkey and northwest Syria and build their long-term resilience.
Hayata Destek Dernegi (Support to Life) received a $750,000 grant (April 1, 2023 – May 31, 2024) to work with earthquake-affected communities in Turkey to identify and implement 90 community-identified projects through the Survivor and Community-led Response (SCLR) approach. The CDP team visited project sites and monitored the impact of microgrants in local affected communities.
Hayata Destek Dernegi (Support to Life) received an additional $295,775 grant to enhance the resilience of people with disabilities affected by the earthquake by supporting local disability-led organizations in Hatay who will create a community-run center and offer static and mobile psychosocial support and physical rehabilitation services.
Hayata Destek Dernegi (Support to Life) received an additional $250,000 grant in 2024 to work with earthquake-affected communities in Turkey to identify and implement 27 community-identified projects through the survivor and community-led (sclr) approach.
HelpAge USA received a $153,000 grant to hire an age-inclusion advisor to provide high-level technical advice and leadership to the Disability Inclusion Task Team, as well as the wider Türkiye Refugee and Earthquake Response and Recovery, on lifting up the voices and upholding the rights of older people in all their diversity.
MapAction received $40,000 from CDP’s Turkey & Syria Earthquake Fund to provide essential maps and data insights after the earthquakes to assist partners (UNDAC & WHO) in responding to the humanitarian emergencies in Turkey and Syria. Menekşe Organizasyon Sosyal Yardimlaşma Ve Dayanişma Derneği (Violet Organization of Relief and Development) received a $350,000 grant to support vulnerable earthquake-affected communities, especially women and youth, to rebuild their livelihoods and resilience following the devastating earthquake in Syria.
Norwegian Refugee Council, USA (NRC) received $250,000* to deliver education in emergency and psychosocial support to young children, youth, teachers and parents in Gaza and Syria as part of the Right to Wellbeing 2025 initiative. The intervention will leverage NRC’s signature classroom-based Better Learning Program, which research has proven has a tangible positive impact on children caught in crisis.
*Awarded in collaboration with the CDP Global Recovery Fund and CDP Israel and Gaza Relief and Recovery Fund
Relief International (RI) and partner MUDEM received a $750,000 grant to strengthen systemwide capacity to improve access to specialized healthcare and protection services in earthquake-affected communities of Turkey for persons with disabilities and their caregivers, thereby fostering inclusivity.
Sened Derneği received a $750,000 grant to provide multi-sectoral and integrated shelter, protection, education and livelihood support to the most vulnerable earthquake-affected individuals, with a particular focus on children, the elderly and people living with disabilities.
Toplum Kalkinma Derneği (BINAA Organization for Development) received a $548,760 grant to reconstruct the marketplace in Azaz, creating a vibrant, inclusive hub for commerce, trade, and entrepreneurship, fostering economic growth, community development, and social cohesion post-earthquake.
New grantee partners will be posted as additional grant funds are awarded.